Speaking in front of an audience is an essential part of being a scientist. Presentations can be formal or informal, the amount of time that you are given can vary, or, especially in these times, you might have to speak in front of a computer screen. Regardless of the setting, talking in public can be scary. But it is also a skill that you can practice and improve, and even learn to enjoy!
During this 3-hour workshop, Marieke Hohnen presented some of the tips and tricks to prepare and give a convincing (online) presentation. Participants from different disciplines worked in breakout rooms to practice different exercises. They also gave each other feedback to create strong openings and closings for their presentations.
You can read more about Marieke Hohnen at: https://mariekehohnen.com/en/

“I really took very important tips with me”
Anonymous participant
“Dynamic, engaging, well facilitated”
Anonymous participant
“I liked meeting and talking to other people than the ones I usually talk to”
Anonymous participant